Layering an Unveiling
A young woman removes her veil in public, igniting a firestorm of change.Cast on screen and cast in bronze, she becomes an icon of emancipation. Muse of Fire steps through the screen and parts the veil, laying bare her story.
1929, Azerbaijan. A young chemist is cast in a silent, moving picture; the first woman to appear on a screen. In character, she removes her veil. The film ends, and strewn across the seats of the theatre lays a sea of discarded black veils.
Like nitrate film stock, a revolutionary tinderbox erupts into flames, searing an imperial brand onto the virgin flesh of a nascent nation.
A sample from Sevil (1929), in which Izzet Orujova, as the eponymous lead,
removes her veil.
Courtesy of the Azerbaijan State Film Foundation.
A sample from a biographical documentary about Izzet Orujova, in which she discusses Sevil (1929).
Courtesy of the Azerbaijan State Film Foundation.
Sample of a prototype of Muse of Fire, an immersive VR experience, offering a window into the life and legacy of Izzet Orujova, Azerbaijan's first female actor.
Motion capture animation demonstration, using Move AI's Move One Open Beta application. Animations will be used in VR experience, Muse of Fire.